A Senior Trekker writes.....................
17 February 2022
The Golden Age of Star Trek: we had the 6th Season of The Next Generation and the 1st Season of Deep Space Nice on our televisions, Generations on view in our cinemas and First Contact due out soon. This season of TNG contains some excellent stand-alone episodes and several spectacular two-parters, with only the occasional make-weight. It represents an extremely high standard of Science Fiction entertainment despite having been on our screens for more than 100 episodes.

The Second instalment of Time's Arrow was not filmed at the same time as the first and although changes were made to the outdoor scenes, most viewers would struggle to notice any lapses in continuity. It all looks just as wonderful though, with if anything, even more visual treats in store. Who could forget Mr Pickerd's strolling players and their irate landlady, Mrs Carmichael? This familiar-faced British actress, Pamela Kosh, is now in her 90's but still lists her part in Star Trek as one of her favourites.

Nor should we fail to recognise the way in which Michael Aron so memorably inhabited the role of the young Jack London. Interestingly, this young man quit the acting business soon afterwards to seek his fortune in the motorcycle trade. Hopefully his obvious charisma stood him in good stead. One of the most memorable appearances, however, was by a genuine 19th century horse-drawn fire engine, specially leant out for this production from a local museum.

If I can tear myself away from the beautifully realised visual impact of this story, I have to admit that the threads are very well drawn together by the conclusion. There are always "what if" questions attached to time travel episodes, IT IS AFTER ALL A COMPLETE FABRICATION. The writers could never satisfy everyone's questions in a detailed examination of the logical contradictions involved but this is not a philosophy symposium and that's not their job. Their purpose is to entertain us so well that we suspend our disbelief and simply enjoy the entertainment on offer.

And in that respect, Time's Arrow is as resounding a success as the forthcoming movie First Contact.
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