Peacemaker (2022– )
Too Vulgar for My Tastes
19 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've just started watching this series and only two episodes in. Already, I can tell this isn't going to be for me. This is such a disappointment because I really enjoyed last year's The Suicide Squad and thought James Gunn returning to this universe would ensure more of that same wild creativity.

Well, it's not for lack of trying; John Cena continues to do great work as Peacemaker and I do like his eagle sidekick. There's some great action; I really liked his first fight with a butterfly and the way he escapes the police afterwards. The rest of the ensemble does fine with their characters. I don't lay the blame on them.

So, where do I think it all goes wrong? Why don't I like this more? Frankly, it's the writing. Now, I understand that edgy is a hallmark of James Gunn's filmography but somehow I remember there being less vulgarity and profanity even in stuff like Super and Slither. This series seems to rely on dirty talk far too much. Sometimes that sort of thing works like in the Deadpool movies, but here it just seems like a way to cover for a lack of true comedy. There's really nothing funny aside from hearing the characters make obscene insults at each other.

In short, this just isn't my thing. I don't usually enjoy shocking and vulgar gags or dialogue, never have. If you like that sort of thing, you'll probably enjoy Peacemaker a lot more than I did.
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