Overall this "is Just another Jackass movie," which is great.
1 March 2022
Jackass Forever (2022) is a movie my wife and I recently saw in theatres. The storyline follows some of our favorite old faces and some new ones in both staged and unexpected shenanigans where they put themselves and their bodies in harms way and we get to see what happens...

This movie is directed by Jeff Tremaine (The Dirt) and stars Johnny Knoxville (Bad Grandpa), Steve-O (Game Over, Man), Jason 'Wee Man' Acuña (Elf-Man), Chris Pontius (Charlie's Angel: Full Throttle) and Ehren McGhehey (All Hell Breaks Loose).

I always forget how many exposed penises are in these movies until I watch them again. I seriously never understand how many junk punches someone can take...the poor fellas must be sterile by now. The skits are always fantastic and it was fun seeing them pay tribute to some of their old stunts from both the movies and show while also unleashing some news ones. There's always fantastic creativity in these pictures. I also liked the new cast members.

Overall this "is Just another Jackass movie," which is great. I would score this an 8/10 and recommend seeing it for fans of the series.
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