It's a Movie Series NOT a documentary
6 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When people talk about a show being over dramatized as they call it, they forget that this is not a documentary. This is show business therefore it is supposed to deliver some sort of entertainment. You complaining about the drama shows that they have done a good job. It's not a true crime docu-series. While some aspects of the show could be based on real events (which I don't know and don't seem to care) the fact still stands that this is not supposed to be a real life depiction of anything.

Now let's get down to the review:

This show is a great catch. It is raw and VERY realistic. For example if you've watched Devil Judge you know how the main judge Kang was? Vigilante. Basically green arrow without the arrows. This show didn't have any of that nonsense. No rich judge background. No hidden agenda. She didn't go on a wild chase after the kids who murdered her child. She just did her job. She made sure every sentence was just and victims felt the "justice" It was great, the way they walked through the emotions of every character and I can see the show having more than one season because the characters have character.

One thing I wish they would have done was give their characters a better backstory and a better ending.

So what happened to Kang ? He resigned and then what? He was in so many episodes for them to just eliminate him and give him a cameo in the last episode.

The other judge from Busan was great (sorry forgot his name) he had a good backstory BUT what was his ending? When you almost make certain characters the main characters (by giving them so much screen time) they should have a climax. All he said was that he was disappointed but he understood. Then what? What is his ending? If you dont pay close attention you will not find out why he even went to Juvey when he was young.

Anyway, these are minor things. A plot can't always be 100% complete. We always miss out certain things as scriptwriters but the script is strong enough to survive the little things.
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