One Way Out (2002 Video)
Hard-Boiled Belushi In This Great Noir Style Thriller
11 March 2022
James Belushi is an actor i grew up watching like many other's & had loads of his films on video that i just loved such as Red Heat, K-9 & K-911 that I watched constantly. But Belushi also made a load of Awesome B-movie type flicks that i discovered when i found Jim Belushi had his own section at this awkward vhs shop called Enterprise Video & i discovered many Belushi gems like Royce, Traces of Red, Separate Lives, Mr. Destiny, The Principal & Retroactive. Also i had Gang Related on video. I also found some gems at Blockbuster video that i rented excitedly such as Angel's Dance & One Way Out. James Belushi is an actor that can do both silly & hilarious comedy & intense serious drama & be both a fun likeable Cop (Red Heat, K-9, K-911) or a dark villain type (Retroactive, Gang Related) Jim is a damn good actor. My all-time favorite Belushi films will always be Red Heat, K-9 & it's underrated sequel K-911 but I've always checked out his films & love many & one of his best is ONE WAY OUT. Gotta say that Jim is excellent at playing Cops, good or bad.

One Way Out is a Noir style Cop Thriller that came out during the early 2000's (2002) when these types of Direct-to-video B-movies covered the shelves at Blockbuster & One Way Out is damn good one. Belushi plays an excellent & real tough Detective named Harry Woltz (a superb hard Belushi performance) who is a great Detective but has gambling problems in his private life & he ends up owing alot of money that he doesn't have. Harry is blackmailed & pushed into setting up a murder for a wimpy husband (played expertly by Jason Bateman) who wants his cheating wife killed & he has to get away with it. Harry sets it all up because he has no choice but everything spirals out of control when Harry is assigned to investigate the case & he becomes a suspect. Superb little cast of actors, we also have another great performance by Angela Featherstone (Family of Cops) as Harry's love interest, fellow Detective & motivations for being involved in the murder because she was threatened by the local gangsters that Harry owes money to. For a cheap little B-movie this is a damn entertaining & twisty Thriller with an excellent dark & intense performance from Jim Belushi.

There's a bleak winter setting that makes all the indoor settings feel cosy & this neat little noir thriller was Directed by Allan A. Goldstein who Directed the underrated Death Wish 5: Face of Death with Charles Bronson, i loved that movie & it showed Goldstein was good at the dramatic serious action stuff done on a tiny budget. The blues style score is great here & compliments the old noir atmosphere that flows through One Way Out. Belushi was always great at playing cops & when i think of him, i think of him as a cop in the great action cop thriller genre.

James Belushi is a damn good actor & this is one of his best & most underrated B-movie Gems.
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