Elvis Meets Nixon (1997 TV Movie)
The King and the President
11 March 2022
The bizarre but true events behind the famous photograph of Elvis Presley and President Nixon shaking hands.

The documentary starts out by drawing parallels between both men and where they where and what they did from the early 1950s up to 1970.

There are many hilarious scenes and lines throughout, such as Elvis shooting TVs, making random cross country plane trips, and going to a donut shop in a rough neighborhood in DC.

Although the film chronicles Elvis and Nixon, the main focus is in Elvis. While his antics are highly entertaining and oftentimes questionable, we see someone who is concerned about the direction society is going and having an eagerness to make a difference for the country and individuals.

True to popular culture, Nixon is poked fun at, because of his paranoia and square personality, but he's portrayed as sympathetic and human.

Most of the events depicted in this film, have been told by Elvis' close friend, who was there, in other sources.

Unfortunately, this gem can be difficult to find, but it's an underrated classic worth seeking out.
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