The Batman (2022)
Boring, Dull and Depressing
15 March 2022
I'll start by saying the movie is way too long, unecessarely long (by 1h at least). This Batman feels so weak and "human" When I saw the first fight I fought it was meant to be a copycat of him (Like we seen in other movies) I was shocked how 'normal' the fight was and simple, that would be fine, if this wasnt a guy dressed as Batman (which is supposed to be Batman), the same happens with every other fight tbh. Remember when you feel every punch the Batman throws in the other movies when they hit a bad guy? U dont have that here, its simple punches and kicks. Oh he does have his ass kicked a lot, by simple thugs lol I guess he forgot some of the learned techniques from League Of Shadows along the depression.

The detective Work is boring and unispiring, Batman feels like he's constantly on drugs (Xanax or something) he's always slow talking, slow in movements and those stares... they overdid those for sure. Penguin and Catwoman cast are decent but story wise nothing special.

I think they kinda overdid the Riddler a bit and I think he tries too hard, but no facial expressions along the movie kinda ruin the character charisma, but thats how it is.

Oh and dont forget about your galoches and rubber boat, does it rain in the gotham! Which is not a bad thing, just meant to mention it.

So, if your life is 'perfect' and want to feel a bit depressed and dull, go and watch this. This doesn feel like Batman, it feels like a regular man who is pissed at everything and doesnt know why.
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