Christmas in Vienna (2020 TV Movie)
Vienna is magical, the film is not
5 April 2022
Christmas has always been my favourite time of year and it is always wonderful to see Vienna on screen, with it being such a beautiful place and often served well on camera. Hallmark is a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to their Christmas output and their films overall and 2020 was definitely a variable year for them. 'Christmas in Vienna's' premise is one that could have gone either way, which tends to be the case with Hallmark Christmas films with similar plot lines.

While certainly not hating it, 'Christmas in Vienna' generally left me unimpressed. A case of the location stealing the show and making a huge positive impression, but also with too much that doesn't come off too well. 'Christmas in Vienna' is not one of the best 2020 Hallmark Christmas films ('Five Star Christmas', 'A Cranberry Christmas', 'Christmas with the Darlings'), but while there was worse from this year (i.e. 'The Christmas Ring') from a male lead and chemistry point of view 'Christmas in Vienna' is one of the weakest of the batch.

Am going to start with the good. First and foremost, the production values. 'Christmas in Vienna's' biggest star is Vienna (and it is the actual location this time) itself, which is nothing short of stunning. The camera clearly loves the locations too, because it is just as beautiful to watch without being too indulgent. The music is nostalgic and there is a sense of time and place, with an authentic Christmassy-feel and not being over-melancholic. It doesn't make the mistake of most Hallmark Christmas films in being too constant or too loud. There is some nice sympathetic direction going on here and there.

Sarah Drew does a good, charming job in the female lead role and while the character isn't complex she also isn't too perfect or has negative character traits exaggerated. The supporting cast fare decently too. Some moments of amusing and sweet dialogue and warmth and charm isn't completely absent.

Drew however deserved a much better leading man. Brennan Elliott comes over as very wooden and clinical here, there is no warmth to his performance and the personality isn't there. His character is also very one-dimensional, dull and hard to warm to because of his cold personality. His chemistry with Drew is lukewarm at best and mostly barely existent, didn't get the sense that they were in love and they weren't even that believable as friends. The relationship itself is not focused upon enough and is underwritten.

Furthermore, most of the dialogue is very vapid and can be too cheesy, silly and saccharine. The corn and sugar became too hard to take. The story is pretty much the same recycled plot elements seen in most Hallmark Christmas films with the only difference being the setting, while also being very thin and lacking in energy. 'Christmas in Vienna' works well as a travelogue and a love letter to Vienna but as a coherent and involving story it is a failure. Other parts of the direction are routine and character changes and motivations can happen out of the blue and too quickly, especially in the final quarter.

In conclusion, didn't quite click with me but see it for Vienna. 5/10.
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