The Art of More (2015–2016)
Poorly Plotted Canadian Series
15 April 2022
This is surely one of the worst TV series of the past decade. It's hard to decide which element of the show contributes more to its staggering stupidity - the terrible dialogue, the contrived plotting, or the confused storyline. While the first season was more about the intrigue behind the art world, it devolved into a derivative action drama in the second. It's as if the producers decided that adding murder and mayhem would save the series from its other failings.

But given the fact that a third-rate Montreal production company - Muse Entertainment - was behind the series it is hardly surprising that The Art of More could ever be anything other than an artistic and commercial failure. It is a wonder that the series even made it to a second season given its hollow character.

Kate Bosworth does her best to bring some integrity to the acting but the makeup artist on the series seems to have given her face a photo-shopped gloss that distracts from her performance. Surely someone on the production team must have notice her odd appearance?

Meanwhile, Dennis Quaid chews the scenery with his over-the-top portrayal of an multi-millionaire businessman turned art collector provides unintentional comic relief.

Finally, lead actor Christian Cooke brings zero charisma or gravitas to his Iraqi war veteran now trying to make a career as an art gallery dealer while trafficking in stolen artifacts. Perhaps had the writers given him a more interesting story arc Cooke might have risen to the occasion. But in the end he is simply one further example of the many strange artistic choices made by Muse and its showrunner Brendan Kelly.

Muse should stick to making the kind of derivative Hallmark-style TV movies that it is best known for producing.
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