The Little Girl From "The Bad Seed"* Grows Up
25 April 2022
This series deserves my rating of 7 simply because it is very dark (and by "dark" I mean noir and not poorly lit), something Hollywood rarely wants to touch with a ten-foot pole. Film makers aren't afraid of violence, not even a little, but it's mostly of the cartoonish variety like John Wick of superhero doggerel in which there are no consequences for the actions. They will show brains painting walls that would put Jackson Pollock to shame, but dark and noir scare the crap out of most film makers. That's too edgy, too emotional, so better just stick to over-the-top Road Runner cartoon violence so as not to upset anyone.

I would rate this even higher if they hadn't thrown a monkey wrench into the pacing in the middle episodes with a few inexplicable music videos which completely deflated the tension they had built in the beginning.

*The Bad Seed 1956 knew a lot about being dark. Totally creeped me out when I watched it when I was ten or eleven.
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