Chaos on the Bridge (2014 TV Movie)
26 April 2022
As an original Trekkie, I'll admit that I too, find the first two and a half seasons of TNG to be unwatchable. The show didn't get good until season three's Yesterday's Enterprise. This was when I came back (and recently, been driven away by the drek that's Discovery and Picard) and remained, until the terrible Enterprise, a die-hard fan. I know all the Roddenberryites out there are whining and crying, why do they hate Gene so much? How about because, as this shows, and many have said, he was a greedy, womanizing cretin who had exactly one great idea that he milked? He was to some an angel, to other's a nuisance. The truth is, while some wanted to buy into his self-serving legend, he was just a man. And he rarely gave credit to the brilliant people who created Star Trek with him. Also, as has been said long before this documentary, his ideas which permeated the first two and half terrible seasons, were ridiculous. There is NO way humanity will ever stop having conflict with itself. At best we might stop killing ourselves for the stupidest reasons, but even an argument is conflict. Anyway, this is a really excellent, eye opening documentary and should be watched.
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