Review of Mom

Mom (1990)
wish that was my mom .........
8 May 2022
HEY EVERYBODY ITS ME (4) and today we review ....? No really a film called mom ? ....

YUP its a real film ...and surprisingly it isnt a lifetime film , it isnt a chick flick ....and most importantly it isnt terrible

NO instead what we have here is a new take (from the EARLY 90s) on the classic vampire film ? ... yes ? ... but it NEVER really says vampire exactly .... in fact at one point vampire, werewolf, ghouls ...just all those sorts of mythos are lumped together and i think that was a REALLY smart move for them because it doesnt force focus on the type of vampire, or the way they HAVE to kill the were wolf .... or if certain laws of previous film lore are in effect ETC ........this way it kind of just glosses over the idea of historically YES something LIKE those things DO live BUT its been lost in stories over time AND the movie isnt going to waste its or OUR time going back through the tons of garbage ideas form years past ...........good job movie ......and thank you ....

INSTEAD ... they just concentrate on the hunger aspect of the "creatures" in this film the need to feed and how it changes throughout it messes with their lifes etc ........

SO acting over all isnt bad its fine and honestly better than 80% of films currently out there ........the FX are 90s lol.........the story line is for the time solid ..... it gave you something old and something new while like i said not really wasting time on going over the crap you would already know ...... so over all this movie is a solid piece of work .... fun to watch btu not a comedy really .... i thought for sure it would be a much more dark comedy ....but nope pretty much a straight horror film, lol... IF they would have done it more a "evil dead" kind of deal it would have become a rival for that franchise EASY ... a ridiculous premise like a elderly woman becomes a vampire ? .....yea easy ...

so i WISH i could hate this one and tear it a new hole and go to town but sadly its decent lol..........

8/10 delivers enough new stuff (for that era) to justify a watch while NOT treating us watching it like idiots ........
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