A Royal Runaway Romance (2022 TV Movie)
A Tiny Royal Slip Up
8 May 2022
Well, it's a typical Hallmark romance. So you can expect the sunshine and rainbows all the time. Not a single antagonist on sight. Everything is just peachy and wonderful. It's a standard romance movie. For those who doesn't like romance or Hallmark movies, you won't find it amusing. You might even fall asleep seeing how there's almost no real conflict in it. And although I don't find it boring, I can't help but notice a tiny slip up the movie made. For a king or a queen you should've addressed them "Your Majesty". "Your Highness" is only for princes or princesses. I guess the writer and director didn't do enough research about royalties. Tsk.. tsk... tskk... That's kind of amateur-ish.
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