12 May 2022
Errol Flynn stars in this 1950 Western which pits him as a villain of sorts during the Civil War period. When Flynn's gang of eight rough riders reach a mountain range in California they witness a band of Indians attack a stage coach. Investigating, Flynn finds a pair of survivors, Patrice Moore & Chubby Johnson & brings them back to his camp. We later learn Moore's fiancée is a Union officer & Flynn has set up an ambush, during a tense bait & switch episode revolving around some coffee brewing, where Flynn & his men get the drop on the soldiers of Blue. The officer was their contact & was about to arrest them, knowing Flynn's mission to raid California on behalf of the Confederacy. Another wrinkle emerges when Flynn's men recognize the Union soldiers scouts, some Shoshones, are actually a chief & his warriors who escape & regroup setting up the last third as Flynn & his men step up for the ultimate sacrifice, put up their lives for the good of all involved. The best asset of this film is its taut pacing & location shoot which during the last climax where Flynn's men are pursued by the Shoshones via horseback is thrilling (Max Steiner's score is up to the task as well). Flynn as always is aces here playing a man of varying shades of bad as you root for him even though historically he was one of the bad guys.
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