Review of Sons

The Good Doctor: Sons (2022)
Season 5, Episode 18
Tissues Required...Multiple Beautiful Moments
20 May 2022
A wedding for the vast majority of us, represents good things, and the result here in this episode, finally, is a welcome and moving solution to the ups and downs of Shaun and Lea's wedding story over the season. Glassie comes through, especially, and I was glad Shaun' moments with him were so well done, not overdone.

Dr. Wolke's storyline adds emphasis to how we interconnect with blood relations and may love them, but still have to reject them for our own sanity and a nominal degree of happiness and quality of life. And how, sometimes, the most loving action is one that is likely to both leave us bereft and lost, yet be the means to fulfill another's needs and wants is more important, especially when the end of life is imminent for the person in question.

The acting by Galvin (Asher), Schiff (Glassie), Highmore (Shaun), Spara (Lea), and Henderson (Jordan) was great; they were outstanding in this episode. This was, it must be credited, in part for being captured and complemented so superbly by the stellar camera work and editing. Often I think it's easy to forget. When a show is so well done, all the elements that combine to make it so, they go far beyond the actor, to generate the "it works!" assessment.

As to some peope's negative feedback on the Nurse Villanueva thread, as a woman who understands too well what it is to be the target of domestic violence, I simply don't care one iota that ER long ago did a near identical story, as others have complained. What's important is that such situations have not been eliminated nor substantially reduced in real life, so since ER did it 'first'. Such scenarios and results happen too often still, they continue. It's that which ought to be lamented for still being such a problem, for not being corrected by and for us all, by now.

In this era of demand by some vociferous reviewers, that things always be entirely believable, it shouldn't surprise anyone to have partner/spousal violence included at least once or more in a season because the kind of misogynistic domination and control portrayed is far more than just another copied dramatic element from a similar, older TV series. It is the reality of too many women's lives even yet. The means to the cliff hangar results were, to me, therefore sadly unsurprising and thus perfectly topical to include in this medical serial.

Naturally, 5 years in means to me it's also unsurprising that some actors might be ready to move on and/or the producers' and writers' ideas, their storylines, are planned to shift significantly, so personnel continuing by surviving various jeopardizing circumstances can be that simple handling technique - or a genuine twist. "Time will tell." There is a good range of potential, to accommodate more possibilities, in what happens in this episode.

So, overall? A great episode where the chemistry of the people in so many relationships comes through so incredibly well. It's good stuff this highlighting and mostly celebrating mutual respect, love, candour and selflessness, among others. Combined with the attributes already noted off the top, it all works so well: An all-round winner, as episodes go. I am both satisfied with the season finale and curious where and with whom as actors and characters, the new season will launch. 9/10!
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