Ignore the Ending!
20 May 2022
Drive the last five minutes of this movie out of your brain. Forget the sappy, maudlin ending. If you do, you'll enjoy a well acted, well directed, well written film that is one of the first major movies to dive into the complexities of divorce. Bette Davis is a wonder: She plays a lighthearted young girl in one scene, then a bitter old crone the next - and everything in between during the course of the film. The direction is creative, with lighting during the transitions that is often eerie and almost theatrical. And the shots are often stark, as when a beaten-down Bette Davis walks into a room, looks up, and the camera pans up to a big sign that says "Good Luck!" Overall, a strong cut above a lot of the mindless Hays-Code-driven entertainment of the era.
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