7 June 2022
If it worked for Super Sentai it can work for competition reality shows too right? Buying large amounts of Japanese television only to be re-hashed, re-written, and dubbed for a North American audience is nothing new, but doing so for this sort of series with this kind of comedic style just had not been done before (to my knowledge). Takeshi's Castle was a Japanese gameshow, very similar to the more modern Wipeout; contestants would all take turns trying to cross large lakes, bridges, and other physical challenges, often ending in falling / tumbling into water or giant foam blocks. Most Extreme Elimination Challenge stitched together footage from this older Japanese gameshow, made up some new rules and characters, and had two comedians do voice over mocking and joking about each contestant. It's pretty funny, although I think hasn't aged as well as it's remembered, way too many of the jokes (pretty much all) about female contestants turn sexual, and quickly gets old once they run out of new things to say. It was a cool concept that worked for Spike TV (an MTV subsidiary) at the time, with the channel tagline: The "First" Network for Men (I added the quotes as thats a BS statement, but an aside I won't need to go into here). All that said Guy Le Douche is still a paragon of field journalism.
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