Deep Murder (2019)
A genre-merging magic trick that's hysterically funny
9 June 2022
Remember those late-night soft-core porn films with the bad acting and the ridiculous characters only there to get it on? Me too, they're so much fun. Now take one of those and add a slasher film right into it without changing a thing and you have Deep Murder, which is a hysterical cross-pollination of the different genres blended perfectly. The kills are both brutal and funny at times. The 'porn' actors beginning to become self-aware they're in a porno universe as they deal with body after body left behind by the killer had me rolling. Some of the jokes are repeated a bit too often - but a lot of them are so witty, clever, and absurd they border on genius. I loved nearly every minute of this movie and am dumbfounded why I'd not heard of it sooner - or why it doesn't seem to have more cheerleaders. This is one hell of a clever slasher/horror/comedy mashup that ranks up there with the likes of Student Bodies and Scary Movie. It's a truly fun hour and a half for horror fans/late night 90s tv fans and especially those that fall in the middle of that Ven diagram lol. The direction/writing and cast is fantastic, and they all understood the assignment of what this movie was (Chris Redd kills it in every scene). Plus who doesn't love Jerry O'Connell, who just goes all in with every role I've seen him in lately (he's 'hard as diamond' and shirtless a lot, so thank you for that). Christopher McDonald is fantastic and chews the scenery and delivers every line as only he can. In fact truly everyone is great in this (shout out to Jessica Parker Kennedy tho for being brilliant in the Babysitter role - who is she babysitting???) Some won't get it, and it's not perfect but it's damn near close and definitely does deserve to be on more people's radar.
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