Doctor Who: Logopolis: Part One (1981)
Season 18, Episode 25
End of an Era
10 June 2022
Review of all 4 episodes:

This story had a huge impact on me when it was first broadcast as it was the first regeneration story I saw where my beloved Doctor changed. Tom Baker was the Doctor for an epic 7 seasons and became the difinitive Doctor. Him leaving is a huge moment and his final story is a major milestone. I remember being sad but also excited about the regeneration. Tom is still my favourite Doctor and on my many rewatches I am always moved by him saying farewell as the incumbent Doctor.

The story itself is quite a dense science fiction story involving complex mathematical ideas and quite weird concepts of the universe being threatened by 'entropy'.

The Doctor is trying to fix his TARDIS chameleon circuit with help from the mathematicians of Logopolis. The Master hijacks this plan materialising his TARDIS in the same spot as the Doctor causing a 'recursion loop' and then travels to Logopolis himself in an effort to use the threat of entropy to gain power and control.

It is all quite involved with ambitiously big concepts. This is added to by the foreboding figure 'The Watcher' who is following the Doctor and the cloister bell ringing both of which give an atmosphere of impending doom.

I find this story fascinating and stimulating. It maintains my interest and makes me feel the tension and dread of the imminent regeneration. It is also entertaining and has a great battle of wits between Tom Baker's Doctor and Anthony Ainley's Master which is great to watch.

Tegan Jovanka, a brash Australian air stewardess played by Janet Fielding makes her debut as the new companion.

The regeneration scene itself is powerful for me still today as it evokes the feelings I had at the time. A clear memory from my youth and a very good scene.

Overall this is a suitably high quality finale for the great Tom Baker. The joy Tom has given us from his phenomenal performance and dazzling presence as the 4th Doctor is so special and I treasure his era, particularly his incredible first 3 seasons. He is a hero on and off screen.

My ratings: All 4 episodes - 9.5/10.
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