Not worth your time.
14 June 2022
Joey Lawrence of 'Blossom' fame plays Johnny Orpheus, a film student accompanying his two moronic friends Al (Josh Marchette) and Paul (Nathan Anderson) on a road trip to a party in Mexico. During the trip, they pay a visit to "Doc" (Henry Darrow, 'The High Chaparral'), a medicine man with "magical" bottles of tequila. When Johnny drinks some, he acquires the ability to read minds, which comes in handy as he attempts to woo the pretty Tamlyn (Dru Mouser). Ultimately, he must rescue Tamlyn from a demented spirit named Hector (Rene L. Moreno).

This viewer figured that he would check this out, seeing that he is usually partial to B genre pictures, but this is terminally *lame*. A purported horror-comedy, it is *never* scary and *rarely* funny (although this viewer would be lying if he said that he didn't chuckle at some lines and moments). It has a pretty bad script (by director Tony Shyu), but the worst sin that "Tequila Body Shots" commits is forcing the viewer to spend time with Al, Paul, and super-aggressive film nerd Ted (Rob Benedict), three of the most aggravating, insufferable characters that a movie watcher should have to put up with. Ted is just the worst, a big fat annoying stereotype.

At the very least, the climax of the film, which takes place in "Hell", is somewhat interesting. It isn't great, at all, but it's certainly better than the balance of the movie. Lawrences' earnestness does help a fair bit, as well as the presence of the endearing Mr. Darrow. And it doesn't hurt that the ladies (also including Stephanie Arellano as Tina) are generally quite attractive.

My word of advice is that if you do feel like *you* want to give this movie a "shot", as it were, please keep your expectations low.

Three out of 10.
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