Innocence lost...very somber story
3 July 2022
Our story centers on two young boys named Iggy and Cleve. Let me start off by saying this is an excellent storyline and the actors did a superb job. I especially give credit out to Barry Gordon because he absolutely had so many lines through this episode and I can see why he pops up again in another Alfred episode. His talent clearly shines here. I will be fair and say this episode might not be everybody's cup of tea because Iggy is quite a talkaholic.

Anyway, Iggy's got his dad in his life.. mother is unknown. I'm not sure if the parents are divorced or if Iggy's mom is deceased. Iggy's dad is a strong influence in his life. He's raising Iggy to have morals, doing the right thing, etc. Unfortunately this leads to an absolute disaster when Iggy's dad talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk. BUT I absolutely love the way that particular scene is set up. More on that later.

Iggy and Cleve are hanging out. They like going to get lost golf balls at the golf course in order to resell them later. The boys see a man getting the crap beaten out of him and Iggy's determined to go to the police because the man being beaten up was so much smaller, it just wasn't fair. But here's the thing, there's some people you just don't mess with and Iggy's about to find that out the hard way.

They're all at the police station. The cops aren't taking Iggy seriously and even worse, Iggy's father isn't backing him up. Iggy's father says he doesn't want Iggy making up stories. It's all in the faces for these scenes. Take a look at the look of fear in Iggy's father's face as he sees Mr. Rose. One truly has to sympathize with him just as much as Iggy. He knows the kinda stuff Mr. Rose is capable of. He knew Iggy wasn't making up stories about Mr. Rose. It's the fear imo. Mr. Rose is capable of absolutely hurting or killing Iggy and his father. Just look at the sinister look on Mr. Rose's face during this scene.

Iggy is very hurt at what his father is doing. He looks so lost and puzzled at his father saying one thing and doing the right opposite. Iggy's father knows. Check out the look of shame in his face when the camera pans to him. He knows he betrayed his son. And I'm not using a word like "betrayed' lightly. He flat out let his son down and he knows it.

Mr. Rose is slick and he ends up giving Iggy money at the police station. Iggy takes the money. Iggy and Cleve are walking around after all this has happened and it looks like loyalties have switched. Cleve was talking about the money Mr. Rose gave to Iggy and Cleve's corrected when Cleve is talking about Mr. Rose giving him a dollar. Iggy got more than than a dollar. Cleve tells Iggy he better tell his father about being given the sum of money he was given. Iggy talks with disgust towards his father and sounds like he's starting to hero worship Mr. Rose instead.

The two boys story is taking place in the 20s while you have a man in the 1960s narrating over a newspaper with a very graphic picture of a man being shot to death in his car. The man in the car is revealed to be Iggy and this is what happened to Iggy after following in Mr. Rose's footsteps.

This is another favorite of mine and I'll echo what I said on other Alfred reviews. This episode has so much packed into 25 minutes and everything fits. Nothing's slow or feels rushed. I really hand it to the writers for both Alfred series on their captivating way of telling a story and making you really feel for the characters. Like I pointed out in this review, you can see the point of view from Iggy and his father. Both are believable in how they feel, whether it be Iggy and his innocence of doing the right thing no matter what or the pov from Iggy's father involving the crap storm he's about to open them up to if he backs Iggy up. I'm writing this review in 2022 and see how badly our world has deteriorated. Not that I'm sitting here romancing the past either. We didn't live in Mayberry and never will. I understand doing the right thing but I also understand staying to myself and keeping my head down.

Long story short, this is a wonderful episode I'd highly recommend.
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