Going against the tide again
4 July 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. I liked Gary Merrill in all of his Alfred appearances tbh.

Gary plays Cash and he's living in the past. He was a hurdler when he was younger and it's turned into an obsession. Seems like that's all the man can think about, even though he's got a wife and child. Although I kinda wonder if the poor child isn't deaf because you never see a child even popping in and asking what's going on as his parents scream at each other and Cash is moving the furniture in the house around so he can hurdle. Yes, he moves the furniture around for hurdling. His obsession is that deep.

I think Cash's personality problems stem from his disappointments in life. He's clearly not handling aging well and I'd say money is also a problem. Cash's wife talks to Cash about having to wait to have braces put on their son's teeth because it's too much money. Cash reacts negatively to that. Cash did seem to act passionate towards his wife earlier in the episode but overall he only seems to enjoy his hurdling. He injured himself during one of his hurdling sessions and that puts him even in more of a funk. Cash never seems to get the wake-up call he needs. He still wants to hurdle even after his injury gets better. He give his wife a starter pistol and tells her to shoot it. Yes, this is all taking place INSIDE the house. Cash's wife is scared, she's never shot a gun before. His wife closes her eyes and pulls the trigger, hitting Cash with the bullet.

Again, I love this episode. I kinda want to compare the craziness in this episode to 'The Motive'. It struck me as being hilarious you can have murder as a hobby, you have a chart keeping track of murders and can still rattle off details about your murder chart even if you're hammered. Cash moving the furniture to hurdle was wild. This is another one of my favorite episodes.
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