The suspenseful getaway
13 July 2022
"One More Mile to Go" is one of the seventeen episodes of 'Alfred Hitchcock Presents', a truly fascinating series but an inconsistent one, that he directed himself. Also his first after "Mr Blanchard's Secret" which to me was a little disappointing (though still slightly above average) and among the weaker entries that he directed. Others of his were very good and more, especially one of the best episodes of the entire series "Breakdown". It was very interesting seeing this side to David Wayne.

There were not many episodes from Season 2, which was very up and down as a season, that blew me away. "One More Mile to Go" was one of the ones that did and it is amazing that it took what looks very standard on paper and turn it into a truly unsettling episode in classic Hitchcockian style with a psychologically fascinating lead character. To me, it is the best episode of Season 2, the best Hitchcock-directed episode since "Breakdown" and the best 'Alfred Hitchcock Presents' episode overall since "The Creeper".

Everything here works. It looks great and is very rich in atmosphere, when it comes to the photography and lighting "One More Mile to Go" is one of the best looking episodes of Season 2 and one of the few of the season to look and feel cinematic and on par with the best looking Hitchcock films from the 40s and early 50s. That is a huge compliment by the way. The audio is suitably ominous and the theme music couldn't have been a more ideal choice.

Hitchcock's direction is impeccable and reminiscent of the direction he had in the best of his thrillers, he wasn't coined the master of suspense for nothing. And there is plenty of suspense in "One More Mile to Go", the premise looking at it could easily have been over stretched and predictable. Actually it turned out to be diverting and increasingly uncertain as to how things map out and the sense of dread unsettles.

It was an interesting touch having much of the first half wordless, that proved to be a clever choice and the sound effects don't come over as cheesy or out of place at all. The lead character psychologically is fascinating and it is very easy to root for him later on. Wayne shows a side to him not usually seen before and does a superb job, unnerving but also succeeding in making the character easy to feel for.

Outstanding episode overall. 10/10.
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