Winterbeast (1992 Video)
Awful yet Honest
16 August 2022
First, don't rate a movie that you like with terrible ratings it's contradictory But, Mainly we have Winterbeast.

A shot on Video gem with terrible pacing, editing, acting, dialogue pretty much bad on every level but yet it's just so endearing.

This isn't Hollywood & that's the beauty of it! It's Human in its errors, very Human. It was done because somebody just wanted to make a movie & that speaks much about the passion & appreciation for the medium.

The one thing I can say about Winterbeast that I love is the Stop Motion Creature effects,they're cool even if we've seen better it's still cool because it's a dying art form. It's also very random like this movie makes no sense & that's what is the best part of it.

It's a great time but it ain't Mozart.
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