Review of Glorious

Glorious (2022)
J.K. Simmons aught to be given an oscar for voice-acting for his role in this film.
18 August 2022
The last known good voice acting I heard was the one of HAL 9000 the artificial intelligence aboard the spacecraft Discovery One. Simmons gives an equally powerful performance that should immortalize him. This and his performance in The Ladykillers 2004.

Back to this film. It concerns elements of H. P. Lovecraft's lore coupled with a tense survival drama theme. If you like Clive Barker and Stuart Gordon movies, you'll be at home with this one.

However the film does have it's shortcomings. The special effects are meager. There are a lot of plot holes. The entire film is carried by two actors: Ryan Christian Kwanten plays the physical role while J. K. Simmons does the voice-acting part of the creature.

Christian Kwanten does an exceptional role but his and Simmon's talents are wasted on a pointless script and at times dubious direction. All in all, just about worth one's time.

I would recommend you to also watch Stuart Gordon's excellent movie From Beyond 1986 which has special effects from the acclaimed special effects wizard Mark Shostrom.
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