How Money Messes With Relationships
21 August 2022
It's interesting how two movies can look so alike, yet be different because of some small disparities between the two. "Ten Cents a Dance" gave me flashbacks of "The Easiest Way" (1931) starring Constance Bennett. In that movie Constance Bennett played a woman between two men, one rich and one poor. The rich man was the cause of her losing her love (the poor man) because she needed money.

In "Ten Cents a Dance" Barbara O'Neill (Barbara Stanwyck) found herself somewhat caught between two men. She was a dance girl at a night spot where a guy could pay ten cents to dance with the many girls who stood on the railing on the outskirts of the dance floor. Barbara's first suitor was a wealthy man named Bradley Carlton (Ricardo Cortez), a very suave pencil mustached man who loved to give Barbara lavish gifts. But the guy who captured Barbara's heart was Eddie Miller (Monroe Owsley), a guy down on his luck, but simply sweet. That is until they got married.

Money would be a problem in their relationship, solely because of Eddie, which would bring Bradley back into the picture.

"Ten Cents a Dance" featured one of the most solid, upstanding rich men on film. Bradley took his loss of Barbara very well and didn't interfere in her marriage. Later, when she needed help, he again was above reproach with his dealings with her. I like this movie because of that. It's not that I don't want to see rich people maligned (I couldn't care an iota less about that), I just wanted to see a less lascivious, less shady rich man in love.

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