The Bodyguard (1944)
Whistling was invented by a Lithuanian dude named . . .
29 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . Crow Magnum in the late summer or early fall of 54,778 BC. Later, prairie dogs--a species much smarter than the mouse pictured in THE BODYGUARD--were taught by humans to whistle. People also taught another group of critters more intelligent than mice--namely, the marmots--to just pucker their lips and blow. Even groundhogs and woodchucks are able to emit a shrill signal of appreciation when they see a nice sunrise or beautiful sunset. No one knows how much wood a wood chuck could chuck, because they're so much smarter than rodents. It's imperative that you do not allow your young impressionable children to believe from the misinformation contained in pictures such as this one that mice have brains. If they did, they'd be wolf-whistling at all the gals as they scurry across the tiles of the high school girls' shower room.
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