Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Pegasus (1994)
Season 7, Episode 12
Stupidity and Hypocrisy
30 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok where to start!? First off I love the episode as it's very well acted and engaging.

Now for the bile. I'm not going to cover ALL the times Picard and Riker show how stupid they behave, but I'll try.

First off is it my imagination or in the past has Picard kept the entire crew in ignorance due to an Admiral's direct orders on more than one occasion? Yet he bristled up like crazy and threatened Riker with a demotion for doing the exact same! Hypocrisy at its best.

Second, Riker did the right thing in defending his former Captain. Pressman wasn't putting the crew in immediate danger. He was simply testing a new piece of technology that some stuffed shirts at Starfleet command didn't approve of. Yet Rikers apparently torn by guilt about it. Every time Picard broke the prime directive Riker should have had him thrown in the brig after relieving him of command.

Third, I'm surprised Starfleet hasn't found a way to have phaser's banned throughout the federation, as it would be unfair to their enemies if they had a chance to defend themselves. I don't know what morons agreed to that dumb treaty but they should go down in history as war criminals or saboteurs.

Fourth, Picard and Riker should have been content to stay inside the asteroid until they rotted. However they feel completely justified in breaking there foolish moral code in using the evil tech when it can prove helpful.

In conclusion Terry really carried this episode for me not only an actor but as a character because I considered him to be 100% correct. The Enterprise crew was the biggest let down in this instance for their sheer stupidity.
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