"An in the mornin', I'm makin' Waffles!"
3 September 2022
Beverly Hills Cop III (1994)-

Although this was the third in the series, I don't think that it hurt the film at all. With 'Lethal Weapon' (1987), the concept got progressively more boring and tired, whereas Axel's trips to The Hills seemed to still have some life left in them, even on his third outing.

I think that I preferred the calmer version of Axel in this film, although I understand that it was apparently due to Eddie's own depression at the time. I think that, as with the second film, the difference made it feel like he had grown as a character and matured regardless of the reasons.

Rosewood (Judge Reinhold) was still a fun character for Axel to bounce with and Hector Elizondo filling in where John Ashton couldn't return, worked well. He was similar enough to cause little distraction, but still able to play someone a bit new and interesting, although he didn't have a huge role and the focus was mostly on Foley, Rosewood and a potential love interest for the lead character, which I also liked, as it once again showed that he was growing.

I actually don't know why there was so much flack for this one, it's fun and action packed and would have been exactly what audiences wanted when it was released. I think that it's an easy story that could almost be for family viewing, except for the boobs and swearing. I liked the fact that it wasn't taxing, but still entertained.

What I also liked was that I didn't know who to trust throughout. It had been a very long time since I had seen it and while there were some baddies that were identified right from the start, it was difficult to know if someone he was close to might stab him in the back. That part of the story was very clever and I'm not saying who did, if they did or if they didn't, or if something completely different happened instead.

I did have to wonder why the detectives never carried a camera with them though? They could have proved their crimes in minutes. The film would have obviously been a lot shorter however.

It's definitely one to return to every once in a while, because it didn't drag me through anything, but left me satisfied and amused.

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