A very good movie whose only serious deficit is its female lead's odd actions.
18 September 2022
"Her Kind of Man" is a second-tier A-picture. In other words, it's a feature film...but it stars a cast of folks who were Warner Brothers' lesser stars. Now this does NOT mean it's a bad or second-rate film....as I certainly enjoyed it.

Two men are in love with a professional singer, Georgia (Janis Paige). One is a slick gambler who is GENERALLY an honest guy (Zachary Scott). The other is a very decent reporter who is easy to like (Dane Clark). Inexplicably, she chooses the gambler and marries him, though considering how many enemies he's made, you know their marriage won't be a rousing success!

This is a nice noirish film. I enjoyed the very downbeat plot and the various sleazy characters. My only complaint, and it's a minor one, is that I found it very hard to believe the lady would choose the gambler and do all in with him...it just seemed a bit confusing. But, in real life, I guess things like this do happen from time to time. Well worth seeing.
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