21 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We've been recalled to sector 001 on a priority mission... is that the moon I see out yonder window? We are back on Earth at a place that looks similar to the Starfleet Academy from 'The First Duty' episode. Have extra-terrestrials infiltrated Earth? It looks like we've got a 500 year-old mystery.

Of course, this is the Season Five finale so we have high-hopes for the show. Have we got a time-loop episode? I always like time-loop episodes.

Of course, as with all double-bill episodes, the first part is laying the basis and foundations for the second and concluding episode (which will be the opening episode of season six)

I am a bit surprised at Data's willingness to accept his own demise. Considering all the weird space-loop-time journeys we have previously been involved in, surely Data would know, that La Forge has a contained sub-space force-field lying around, or a synchronic distortion or two up-his-sleeve.

We've gone down a bit of a rabbit-hole... This finale possibly suffers due to the fact that it aired directly after the excellent 'The Inner Light.'

I don't know what it is, but there is something about Marc Alaimo that reminds me of Lee Van-Clief.

For its time, It includes an exceptional use of special effects and it is a very good story which I remember from first viewing.

--------------- A trip to the morgue to examine all the cholera victims, this is 1896. Fortunately, the rest of the main Enterprise crew have now arrived. Something is sucking the electro-chemical energy out of these people. Who would do that? We also have Mark Twain hiding in closets, although he's parading under the pseudonym Sam Clemens???

Ironically, Pamela Kosh who played landlady, Mrs Carmichael in this episode, would later (2020) be mistakenly pronounced as deceased as a confusion with another woman of a similar name. Of course, Mark Twain famously commented on the false reporting of his own death... 'The report of my death was greatly exaggerated.'

A few concerns in relation to Prime Directives, but let us not forget that we are trying to save Data.

The story itself took something of a nose-dive towards the end, but it wasn't a bad episode. We could liken the aliens ability at time shift travel as similar to that of the Jem'hadar in DS9.

This Episodes Clue: Wild Bill Weschester (Answer's to all episode clues will appear in the reviews of season seven, episode 25: All Good Things, Part One. )
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