Moffie (2019)
Brilliant Yet Horrible!
25 September 2022
Moffie (2019) -

Conscription makes me as angry as conversion therapy and this film made me as angry as the conversion therapy films 'Boy Erased' (2018) and 'The Miseducation Of Cameron Post' (2018).

It will always be as hard for me to understand these ridiculous concepts as it is to understand Apartheid and racism in general.

I had a friend that was still concerned about doing his National Service, back in South Africa, even in the early 2000's. I didn't get what it even meant, because why would the government of the world let such an outdated idea and infringement of human rights continue?

This film was not a romance by any means, but instead it was a brutal view of homophobia and racism in the early eighties that made me feel as if it probably hadn't moved on very far since then. It was very tough to watch at times and all of the bravado and toxic masculinity was really obnoxious.

Honestly I only watched it for the gay element, thinking that there maybe some hot soldier sex in the showers or something, but the larger reality of the film was so harsh to watch. It was the type of thing that upsets my stomach. I cannot abide injustice in any form.

All of the military shouting and "Boys will be boys" barracks rough housing, will always be unnecessary as far as I'm concerned. I'm definitely of the school that will catch more flies with honey than with vinegar and this abhorrent behaviour would be enough to put me off ever joining an armed force, if I ever lost my mind enough to even consider it.

I would go straight to Ward 22 and deal with things that way, because I couldn't fake my way through for two whole years, lying to myself and generally feeling uncomfortable around everyone else.

Basically, I was appalled by the content, but the performances were all very good. I do tend to watch a lot of "World" cinema and it hasn't always translated that well, through either a language barrier or a difference in comedic tastes or production styles, but this one was very well put together.

It reminded me of the film 'Yossi and Jagger' (2002), but that was slightly more bearable in its portrayal of a similar story, if not as well made.

There was a lot of cello music, which became a bit much after a while and I think that the soundtrack could have been a little bit more versatile.

I, of course, thought that the hottest guy in the film was the one who had been the most evil and horrific throughout, but we can't choose who we fall for.

It was also very ironic that they had to paint there faces black to go out on their missions.

It was a slightly disappointing ending with no real definition either way. As if there might be a part two, which could explore their struggles having left the army, but I don't think that will be the case. I'm a sucker for a happy ending and I should have known better than to expect one from this film, right from the start.

It wouldn't be something that I would recommend to many people, mostly because they have different interests, but also because it's not essentially a pleasant experience, despite being well made. So it was a good film, but if you are easily upset by the horrors of the world, I would say to skip it, because it was too harsh to even enjoy the glimpses of lovely bottoms dotted throughout.

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