Review of Control

Control (2022)
Before you view (no spoilers)
29 September 2022
Understand that if you're watching this movie, you've already seen it.

Do you think it's the game Control? Yes. It is that... except worse. It's horror about a woman with psychic powers. But without the layers of juxtaposition with normal and the bizarre. All of the style is removed.

Do you think it's like the MCU with an Elizabeth Olson look-a-like sporting powers? Yes. It's that... Except worse. They wanted cool mom using psychic powers to kill people. But didn't really give her interesting things to do with those powers. You get some basic attacks and unchoreographed actors acting like they're in pain. They don't even film it well.

Do you think it's like the game, Portal? Yes. It's that... except worse. It is testing in a chamber with a mysterious robotic woman's voice giving instructions. But none of the whimsy or fun.

Everything about this movie is a ripoff of something famous and better. You've seen every reveal and surprise and interesting thing this film has to offer. But you've already seen it better.

The film techniques seem unrelated to what you're watching with the cameras in random positions and shifting randomly between cuts without meaning or direction. The actors appear to have been told to take as much time as they can with everything they do, to the point of it being awkward for them to do mundane tasks like walking across a room. Even the actors didn't know how to make this slow of a pace seem natural.

The lack of care from the film makers is painful. And an insult to whoever paid for this movie to be made. It's an insult to the actors, and an insult to the audience. Crucial details like how much time is left on the clock are used to add tension, which is completely deflated as the clock regularly has time clearly added or removed between shots. They just didn't care. A character even calls out that there's only 60 seconds left, only for the next shot to show it being closer to 90 seconds.

If you can avoid seeing this film, please do. I give it a 2 star because there COULD have been something good here. The one set was designed well. No other sets were. And nothing about this movie should inspire other films. I hope I'm the last one to see this movie.
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