Review of Timescape

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Timescape (1993)
Season 6, Episode 25
30 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Riker's been feeding Spot and he's got the scratches to prove it. For the uninitiated, that's Data's cat. We're picking-up a distress call from the Romulans. Are they trying to lure us into a trap. Meanwhile Picard, La Forge, Troi and Data are in transit, returning to the Enterprise after attending a three-day conference on the psychological effects of long-term deep space assignments. I have to say at this juncture that Data and his quizzical face expressions often remind me of Stan Laurel.

Temporal anomalies could be causing havoc with time. My favourite type of episode are those that include strange time & space distortion anomalies. The weirder the better.

I seem to prefer those stories where there is no discernible enemy or threat. Something in space is having a strange effect on everything around it, and we have been sucked in.

Beaming back to the Enterprise we find that bad things are being acted out, or they would be if everything wasn't frozen in time. What's going on?

An excellent episode and one I enjoyed very much. This is my idea of what Star Trek should be. As I have been rewatching the entire TNG run in chronological order of the episodes original air-dates, I have to say that overall, season six has been the strongest by far. There have been a couple of weaker stories, or what we sometimes call fillers, but overall the quality of the story-telling has been exceptional. Taking into account the fact that I am watching these episodes again for the first time in many years, I have to also appreciate that all of these shows are almost 30 years old now. They were written and originally pitched to a teenage or younger audience and for that reason they could never be too frightening, or complex, or pornographic, or silly, and yet they do certainly stand-up to the test of time (pun intended).

When I have completed my review of the entire seven series, my plan is to take the top six shows from each season, and then review them again in comparison with each other. Eventually this will help me determine what IMHO is the best Star Trek: Next Generation episode of all. However, finding just six episodes from season six to put forward to the final cut, may prove very difficult.

*As the end of season-six finale forms a double-bill which will be concluded as part of season seven, I will not review part one until I have watched both parts and then include my review with part-two. I don't want to stumble across any spoilers pre-viewing.

This Episodes Clue: 'Maybe you just got to know how to HANDLE them.' (A Tough one)

(Answer's to all episode clues will appear in the reviews of season seven, episode 25: All Good Things, Part One.)
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