Andor: The Axe Forgets (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Building up for the big one....
10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The series seems to be operating in 3 episode arcs. This episode is the second of it's arc and is all about people and the 7 p's of mission planning (Proper Prior Preparation Prevents P*** Poor Performance). Cassian is embedded with his team and is briefed on the plan. He makes some suggestions which the team begrugingly accept and establishes his credentials. He also admits his true motivation after a confrontation, money, which the team also seem to accept.

The Empire officers and enlisted personnel come across as professionals just doing their job. The intelligence officer who takes pills so she can work harder and later but is also mindful of her subordinate's time.

Never has a TIE-Fighter sounded so terrifying or looked so ominous.

Another reviewer mentioned they loved the Rogue Squadron series as it was all about the "working stiffs" of the Star Wars universe and that this series reminded them of that. I totally agree, I really enjoyed that series too and I find that this has been fantastic so far.
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