13 October 2022
Loved this film . Everything about it.

Two brothers along with their family in Delhi devote their lives to the rescue and rehabilitation of Black Kites , magnificent raptors, that are literally 'falling out of the sky' . The kites along with humans and all species that live in the city are trying to adapt to the ever worsening conditions of what is home. The family lives and works in the vicinity of 'perhaps the largest landfill aka garbage dump' in the world' The film takes us through the day to day life and work of the brothers and their passionate commitment to caring and repairing the many broken birds that are collected daily.

Beautiful directing. Cinematography was spell binding. So respectful.

I feel so inspired and moved by the compassion and love of these people. Having done a lot of wildlife rescue myself I can only feel gratitude for these people who work with SO much less and yet make such a colossal difference. Beautiful work. Thank You .
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