Andor: The Eye (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
The Eye
17 October 2022
It's interesting how this show keeps showing us different sides of the Empire, showing us their suppressive ways on many worlds and how they differ from each other. In the sixth episode of this show, the second three-episode arc is brought to a close with a visual flare that this show hasn't utilized before now. It continues to show the unique nature of these worlds and how the locals see the Empire, most of it through the lense of people trying to rip them off. And it happened in a glorious episode that picked up the pace and brought the arc to a satisfying end.

This was probably the most visually impressive episode of this show to date. The Eye has been teased in previous episodes, but nothing could have really prepared anyone for the kind of beauty that is on display here. It's a riveting effect that makes a powerful statement about how CGI can really improve something if everything else looks like it's in-camera. The other shows have not utilized real-life sets in favor of their volume stagecraft, but this show proves that it always looks better like this. But the visuals isn't the only reason why the episode works, because it also features a riveting action sequence, finally delivering on the heist that has been teased through episodes. This show is absolutely great at teasing these epic chapters and so far, they've been able to deliver. It shows a dangerous foe that has never felt more threatening with the Empire, showing them as competent and good at aiming for once. But it also shows the gray areas that our heroes have to deal with, especially in the aftermath of the big event. And while this episode did not focus a whole lot on what was going on at the ISB, it was luckily not missed as much in this episode as it previously had, because of everything that was helping the pace a great deal. It also helped that the episode was far more brutal than expected with a lot of shock value to boost, showing me that this show is not afraid of doing things differently.

"The Eye" is a visually stunning episode of a show that is proving to not be scared to make changes and not do things orderly. It delivers on the promise of an epic heist and it goes off with a lot of unexpected twists and turns and ends the episode on a satisfyingly somber note.
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