Hope they keep this show
18 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed watching this.spin-off of LBZ, I have such admiration of these people staying true to their ancestors and continuing with their way of life despite all we have today with modern technology. I love that they keep their traditions going and the families that were shown that have young children, they are passing this down to them also. I think every single family they have shown on this series I just really enjoyed watching them, but I especially enjoyed watching the ones that live in Gambell and for them to brave those harsh conditions day in & day out & they all still have positive attitudes and so much pride in their heritage and traditions. Like I literally felt for them that whole winter and when they were saying it was a bad winter and their freezers were empty, and then FINALLY the last episode getting that walrus. When I saw everyone from the whole village come down to greet them and get their food, my heart was filled with so much joy and happiness and was seriously crying like a baby lol.

I just can't even imagine what they go thru every single day and persevere in spite of everything Mother Nature throws at them. I could never do what they do, I'd be dead after a day lmao! I hope National Geographic keeps this series, I didn't even get into next generation til like the 3rd season and they're only on season 4 I think😂Port Protection took a little while for me to get into and Northern Territories just kinda clicked with me from the start, I just enjoy watching these people sooooooo much. I've went thru a rough 2 years and this show has brought joy back into my life, and made me appreciate the things I still do have and not to be sad about what & who I've lost.
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