well, they were trying something new, i guess
21 October 2022
How successful it is sort of depends on how much you paid attention to the previous movies. I thought it was pretty firmly established in the first film that the creeper only kills people after he does some vetting - he has a fondness for people he feels a connection to - ie: he wants their eyes or whatever body part is appealing. That's touched on, but also there's just rampant killing for seemingly no reason at all. I won't go into the "expansion" of the storyline because it didn't make much sense to me. It might have been better to just start another movie franchise instead of ruining the universe of this one. I would have thought at this point they might have tried to do a prequel, since it's never been explained what it is or where it came from. If you have seen the first three movies, stop there and don't bother with this one - it will make you frustrated.
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