Ish, this movie is so questionable.
22 October 2022
I have a LOT of questions. First: the how magic is not part of ponies naturally?? Imprison in gems or whatever is bizarre same as you can imprison, well, possibility to create a spoon by tools in a tech-physical world from the mind of inhabitant there - you can (by lobotomy for example), but it wouldn't work on next generation without repeat. And if it works - eww, that's just creepy to think why. And if this world never was on magic standard does this mean it was all a lie? What happened to the princesses? Discord? Who in charge of rising sun and moon? Was that ever really necessary or also a lie?

Leaving creepypasta and conspiracy shishkebab, what happened to cutiemarks? Why just on one flank and so small? And it did not change after returning magic. Intrigue.

Why ponies became enemies again? Blamed each other in lost magic? Didn't seem so, it more they just separated by tribes after that happened without any rational reason and this is just sad, friendship my hay. I don' wanna know the fate of non-ponies then.
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