Cheap, even by The Asylum's standards
25 October 2022
This boring mix of Ghost Rider and The Crow is the cheapest movie I've seen they asylum release since their early DV Cam output.

No joke, about 40% of the movie takes place on a bike overpass of a road!

The "headless horseman" aspect is as random and pointless as you can get. The devil decides to give our hero a flaming pumpkinhead for no reason. He also gets a single Wolverine hand to shoot green electricity out of.

The boring plot is this: a guy is killed by his fiancé's biker gang drug lord leader (I hate when that happens) and the devil gives him a deal: revenge for his soul. He then rides around and talks to people asking where they've taken his darling before killing them in bland cgi ways.

To make things even more lame, about an hour in he decides to trust the villains will let her go if he leaves so he does and goes to hell early!

They set up for a sequel as if anyone would ever want 4 more minutes of this story.
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