"All Doctors Are Communists!"
14 November 2022
The first film of Powell & Pressburger's newly-formed company The Archers to see the light of day (shot on a soundstage adjacent to the production of 'The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp') probably represented the final bow of Ralph Richardson (also billed as 'Associate Producer') as an action hero having previously played Bulldog Drummond and a gentleman spy in a bowler hat in 'Q Planes'.

It bears a striking resemblance to Fritz Lang's 'Hangmen Also Die, currently being shot in Hollywood and also set in a fanciful version of Europe under the heel of a wonderful collection of caricature Nazis. Powell was a huge admirer of Lang so the resemblance of the scene were Richardson marks a Quisling with a big letter 'Q' to one in a certain film by Lang is almost certainly not just fortuitous.
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