It Makes Me Sad
17 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I could only get through two episodes, so take this with a grain of salt. It's not terrible. However, the total lack of effort apparent in every aspect of its creation very quickly started to hurt my soul. Not even getting into the, at times, awful animation quality, it's like the author knew how much the target audience obsesses on overpowered MCs, so he just figured, "Screw it. Who needs a decent plot, lore, characters, ideas, or even things to make sense? I've got a wildly overpowered farm boy." And, clearly, he's right because he got an anime series out of it with an average 7/10 score.

Heavy spoilers for episode 1. Just to give a quick idea of this show's complete and utter mediocrity, I'll hit the bullet points of the first episode:

The very first shot we see of this series is, no joke, the worst CGI dragon ever fathomed. I'm talking laughably bad. We then meet our MC, Al, who is a farmer, but, oh look, he just leveled up and became 2,000 times stronger than the average person of the world. Why? Who cares! He's a farmer, and now he's our overpowered MC. His friend standing beside him and watching his status change pretty much just says, "Oh check it out, dude, you're basically god now. Neat." And MC's reaction to basically obtaining godhood is, "Who cares about all that noise, I got vegetables to deliver. Because I'm a farmer. And in case you forget, I'm going to remind you that I'm just a farmer every other sentence I speak."

As Al gets to the city with his vegetables, a princess is getting kidnapped during that exact time right in front of him because, duh, of course our newly overpowered farmer has to save a princess. After the princess fails to recruit Al (because he's a farmer), Al goes home. In the meantime, the most obviously evil captain of the guard leads the king and princess into an obviously evil trap, and Al must rescue them in a truly anticlimactic fight. Evil Demon Guard powers up, looking pretty scary, intense music plays, he goes in for the clash, and Al takes him down in one punch. And I'm not talking One Punch Man style one punch. I'm not even talking "villain makes a crater in the ground anime-style" one punch. I'm talking the sorriest looking uppercut ever put to animation, and big Evil Demon Guard just falls over.

Anyways, Al saves the king and princess and is convinced to take a side gig as an adventurer (when he's not farming), and then the last straw of generic stupidness happened that gave my cue to peace out. Just for some context here, in this world, everyone has status screens that they can pull up and everyone else can then see; also, it is known that Al single handedly defeated a demon general, as well as it being revealed right there in the adventurer guild that he soloed an S-rank dragon. So, these guild yahoos probably know that he beat an S-rank demon, they definitely know he beat an S-rank dragon in one hit, and they HAVE THE ABILITY TO LOOK AT HIS STATUS. They put him at the lowest adventurer rank of G. I don't know why, out of all the ridiculousness of this show, this is the thing that did me in. But it did. Throw them cliches at me, I'll take 'em all! But if you can't bother to even give the barest effort to make this scene make sense, then I'm not going to give the barest effort to watch it. One throwaway line! That's all it would've taken. One apologetic shrug and a "I know this is crazy considering your accomplishments, but it's standard procedure to start everyone at rank G for their first mission." Ugh. I'm out.

Bottom line: it's not good. Don't reward writers and studios for just slapping a low quality escapist story together.
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