It's been a while since an anthology movie raised any interest
21 November 2022
Definitely not a style I normally watch because of how many poor ones from decades ago I used to watch, like Creepshow, where you might get one good skit in 10, and a mainly annoying over arching narration from the skeleton host.

So this one seemingly being very low budget in format, is one that I find I really really enjoy.

The premise of watching a live standup theater, bit having it imagined (shown to us) as if it were set in a staged TV show with totally different actors and backdrops to what is actually being shown at the theater.

I guess I'm saying it's as if watching a play, and being able to view it as a movie.

First scene The stockings were hung.

Did an amazing job of making me think it was going to be a comedy skit/day to day portrayal of light hearted nature, only to turn instantly dark with the gunshot. Very nice jump scare so to speak.

Very not sure of what the motivation was of the imprisonment though or who was responsible.

Scene two Dash away all Very low key and well acted and shot, nothing over the top, just an intriguing skit that makes me want to know more about the story behind it, and how it got to where it is. If someone were to expand on it and make a feature length film, I would watch that in a heartbeat.

Scene three All through the house.

Nice quick short imagining of A christmas carol.

Scene four Arise such a clatter.

Very very cheaply done, not actually bad though, just gives more of an impression of what someone might submit to get a movie gree lit. Like a pilot for a TV show.

Scene five In a twinkling.

A bit off of the Christmas theme imo, but well shot and differentiated for what was going on.

A bit clichéd but I think it should've been the last skit, with the note left on the tree as fitting for an ending of anthologies.

Scene six And to all a good night.

Very very creepy and would be an amazing type of thing to pull off on an actual audience member at a theater.

Overall I was impressed with a low budget anthology movie, wouldn't feel ashamed recommending it either on it's production and intended portrayals.
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