I Origins (2014)
11' to 1h11
21 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a thought provoking movie, tackling themes like fate, the idea of soulmates/being tied in some way to another individual, the possibility of an afterlife, the never-ending debate of science vs. Faith/religion and all through scientific eyes. It's a passionate love story with an unexpected sci-fi twist to it. As a viewer, you initially get drawn in the film by the passionately mysterious love connection between two polar-opposite individuals: a scientific researcher with an obsession surrounding the eyes and a charming unconventional bohemian girl. The idea of fate comes back often throughout the movie, following feelings, intuition and not necessarily scientific facts. That's why it was intriguing when Ian, the scientist infatuated with the idea of proof and of certainty, followed his intuition and blindly pursue the number 11, which lead him to find Sofi, the women with the eyes. The question sparks: what if there's more to the universe than what we can perceive with our senses?

Anyways, my favorite part is the end... of course. The slowness of the scene when Ian meets the little girl for the first time was absolutely perfect. The timing, the acting, the camera position... I would not change a single thing. The test threw me through a loop. My emotions were all over the place, from excitement to disappointment, but ending on a note of "feeling foolish". They had me hoping for a certain outcome, but I'm so glad they didn't give it to me because this created an ending up for interpretation which just makes the whole movie so much better. The little girl fails the test, 44%... The facts disprove Ians theory, but in the very last scene, the girl is terrified of the elevator... coincidence? Evidence? Who knows. But you can see in Ians eyes, he finally believes in something else than just the facts.
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