An up-and-coming narrative achievement
29 November 2022
This series tells an intriguing and stimulating story in which a group of teenagers have to deal with a major crime involving their teacher and a single mom which fights to get to grips with her daughter's sudden death while still working on the investigation involving the kids.

Everything that happens in the plot has an impact on the spectator since it deals with contemporary themes such as gender issues, female empowerment, and drug and power abuse.

Each character has a specific purpose in the story and their relationships, - carefully created as the episodes conclude - will cautiously impact on the viewer. The different points of view from the various characters - which are involved in different life situations, either economically or socially- is a very efficient tool chosen to allow the spectator to choose their very own path of understanding

The series is filled with interesting narrative ideas, captivating plot points and stimulating conflicts.
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