Plenty of chuckles in this one
1 December 2022
Max gets himself into some silly situations after his fiancée leaves him. Eventually, the two are reunited, and the closing sequence shows they have a happy and productive marriage.

Don't look for a plot; there is none. But there are several funny moments in this film, and a few solid sight gags I had never seen before. One sequence which was all too familiar was the "mirror bit," which the Marx Brothers used, and later was borrowed in an "I Love Lucy" episode featuring Harpo Marx. I have to admit when the bit began, I was disinterested - until the very end of it, when Linder used a clever gag to end the sequence. That did make me chuckle. Other gags were hit and miss; one involved putting a dog in a vase (which I did not care for), and another had Linder putting a stocking over his head to impersonate a black porter on a train (which would not go over well today). However, the bit where he gets his hand glued to a woman's dress had me laughing.

In one extended sequence, Linder is in a cage with a lion, and engages in some gentle wrestling. I had to look carefully to realize that a) the lion was real, b) there was no split screen or double exposure, and c) Linder did not use a double.

One fault I found with the film was that Linder's character is a flirt, so it's a bit difficult to root for him to win back his girl. But this is certainly a film I would recommend if you want a few yuks.
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