I'm not a fan...
3 December 2022
A Dragonfly for Each Corpse is a 1975 Spanish-Italian thriller film directed by León Klimovsky and starring Paul Naschy and Erika Blanc.

A serial killer is targeting people related to the underworld, placing a dragonfly on their bodies as a calling card. Inspector Paolo Scaporella is put in charge of the case despite failing one of the biggest cases on the force. Will he redeem himself, or will he fail once again?

Paul Naschy is competent in the lead role, but lacks the capabilities to add emotion to a complex role, leaving it bland. Erika Blanc performs somewhat better, but still comes across bland. The supporting cast's roles are more interesting but the actors fail to add any sort of remarkability to the picture that leaves the diverse characterizations pointless.

The action and suspense scenes are somewhat better, but are unintentionally comedic. The killer's modus operandi of putting a dragonfly on each corpse that he (or she, no spoilers about the killer's identity here!) is not explained and therefore makes no sense.

The murder scenes look incredibly fake, but they do add some excitement to the otherwise dull film.

In summary, this is definitely not the best film, but if you are looking for a Spanish giallo-style thriller, then check this one out.
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