The plot is ludicrous, as I can't imagine men only wanting Jane Russell's character for her money!
7 December 2022
"The French Line" is a film that deliberately accentuated Jane Russell's bosoms. While none of the scenes seem risque today, Howard Hughes deliberately pushed the boundaries of the day in order to create ticket sales. He even seemed happy when the Catholic Legion of Decency gave the film a 'banned' rating...and ticket sales were hot as a result! The ad campaigns also emphasized boobage...as you can see in the poster on IMDB emphasizing it's in '3-D'!

To enjoy "The French Line" you really do need to suspend your sense of disbelief. First, Jane Russell plays a rich Texan who is afraid men will ONLY want her for her money. Yeah....right!! Second, the very Mexican Gilbert Roland plays a Frenchman....and he's about as French as a burrito! Obviously, RKO didn't really put a lot of thought into this...and perhaps these silly decisions were made by the studio chief himself, Howard Hughes, since he had a long history of meddling with productions.

When the film begins, Mame (Russell) is upset because although she'd mega-rich, two MORE oil wells come in that day. That poor, poor thing! Later, when she talks to her fiance, she senses something isn't right. It seems her instincts are right....he is a chauvinist and doesn't know if he can be married to a woman with all the money!

Upset by this, she concocts a strange plan...to go on her honeymoon cruise anyway...but posing as a 'normal' lady. At the same time, she cruelly forces her friend to pose as her...even though she is on her own honeymoon. This means her poor and frisky husband is given a different room and cannot spend time with her, as Mame's plan if for her friend to be single and see if men chase her like they used to chase Mame. Huh?? I can think of two very good reasons guys would chase Mame!

During this trip, Mame spends most of her time with a 'Frenchman', Pierre (Roland). He seems smitten with Mame...but also spends time with the faux Mame. Who does he really love AND is he the type to chase a woman just because she's rich? Mame would sure like to know.

In addition, the film features Russell in several song and dance numbers...all of which seem rather out of place in the film. As IMDB indicated, the studio was trying to replicate "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"...which also was filled with similar musical numbers.

Overall, this is an enjoyable but incredibly silly film. You can't take the plot very seriously but it is a decent time-passer with way too many song and dance numbers.
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