I wish the whole movie was as good as the last part
10 December 2022
I almost stopped watching this movie halfway through - it was really going nowhere fast. Minimal story and lots of time used up on that. The end definitely changed the situation but I wish we actually saw everything - we saw basically nothing - rather than pretty much just being told what happened. If not for the ending this would have made a decent ABC After School Special movie - the ending moves it out of that realm.

I'm going to go against the oft-stated comments here that the kids were excellent, acting was believable etc - it sure seemed to me like these were kids on their first acting jobs and the director should have re-shot some of the scenes and gotten the dialog down better. When I think of kid actors in somewhat recent movies, I think of the kid who starred in The Djinn, or the ones who were in Sky Kids. Those are youngsters who can really act, perhaps due to better directing but in any case, you never got the feeling for a moment that they were reading lines. As Spencer Tracy once said, 'Acting is easy, just don't let anyone catch you doing it.' In 'The Djinn' (horror/thriller) and 'Sky Kids' (which is not a horror flick but still dropped my jaw a few times) you don't catch them acting. In this movie, you do.

If you were hoping for more of a horror-type film, check out The Djinn. It also has a twist ending, but the story is a whole lot more intense. If you're more patient you can sit back and watch My Soul To Keep, just be aware that the real adrenalin doesn't hit til shortly before the end.
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